Vocation? What is a Vocation?
Etymology – vocare – to call
Who’s calling? – God
Who’s being called? – man

I should become happier by saying “yes” to an authentic vocation.
I should become a better man or a better woman by following God’s call to priesthood or consecrated life. I should become a greater lover by saying “yes” to Him – not less.
What is my Vocation?
Need Help with Discernment?
CJC Discernment Program
What is the Vocational Discernment Program
The CJC discernment program is open to any man or woman 18 years and older who is serious about discerning a vocation to the priesthood and/or religious life. The discernment resident lives with the Priest, Brothers or Sister Servants of Jesus Crucified and follows their way of life while receiving formation in the spiritual life.

When is the Vocational Discernment Program
The program runs from September 1 - December 15 (fall semester), February 1 - May 15 (spring semester), and June 1 - August 15 (summer semester). The discernment resident can be a full-time student or hold full-time employment. He or she may also stay full-time with the community for the program, in such case the resident would participate in manual labor and apostolate during the day.

Where is the Vocational Discernment Program
The resident remains at CJC when not in studies or at work and follows the horarium and rule of life. A person can remain in the discernment program for a single semester, for two, or for up to one year. At that point or before he should have some clarity on what God desires of him or her and should be prepared to pursue their specific vocation in the Church.
For one who is being called and is open to the call,
God always gives the grace to do what He asks.
How to Apply
In order to apply for the CJC Discernment Program or for inquiries, contact us
for a personal interview.
An application and curriculum vitae form can be obtained below.

In the life of CJC-PBS
Priest, Brother, Sister Servants
A couple of common questions asked are
"What is a vocation?" ,"What do you do?"
Below is an attempt to answer these questions with pictures.

God gives the call, not me or anyone else, though He uses mediators to communicate the call. “You have not chosen Me; I have chosen you.”

"In my own body I make up for what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ, for the sake of His Body, the Church."
Colossians 1:24