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Lay Community | SCU Mobile Confessional

SCU Mobile Confessional 

                                                                          Fete-Dieu du Teche has expanded its                                                                                                  evangelization activity to include the purchase                                                                              of an old ambulance and convert it into a                                                                                        Spiritual Care Unit to provide for evangelization                                                                              at locations away from the parishes as well as                                                                                 for providing greater access to the Sacrament                                                                               of Reconciliation and Penance. Bishop Michael                                                                               Jarrell, D.D. blessed the SCU Mobile Confessional                                                                            on November 12.

Jesus worked out of Peter's mother-in-law's house in Capernaum but he was also much of the time on the road encountering people where they lived and worked and socialized. This is a good model for the priest and for the Church's evangelizing mission. Jesus did say we need at times to leave the 99 and go out to the 1. With poor Church attendance today, this might translate into leaving the 1 to go out to the 99. The idea is not to cater to laziness or to denigrate the value of the Sacrament, but rather to give greater access and availability of the Sacrament to those who may have been away for some time. In such a way we will encourage persons to return to frequenting the Sacrament of Confession in their home parish. It also gives a public witness to our Catholic faith, encourages a greater exercise of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and hopefully becomes an occasion of grace for many to return to the beautiful Sacrament of Mercy.

Pope Francis, through his Grand Penitentiary, His Eminence Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, has granted the Jubilee Plenary Indulgence to all those who devoutly visit the mobile confessional (SCU) for confession and there pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. This is valid on any day during the entire Holy Year of Mercy!



SCU Mobile Confessional Stops

MERCY Milestone! SCU Rolls past 5,000 confessions!

SCU Statistics
(as of 12/22/2018)

15,672 miles traveled in search of souls
743 hours of hearing confessions
299 stops
7,074 confessions heard


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